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Do I have to apply a moisturizer after using Filabé?

The skin regenerates at night. A moisturizer gets in the way of this process, as its additives stress the skin. This is why we recommend night-time care without cream. 

Filabé not only cleanses, exfoliates, and soothes your skin with active ingredients but also eliminates the oversupply of unnecessary substances.

Using Filabé on a daily basis will reactivate your skin's built-in resilience. This allows it to regain its natural balance.

Can I also remove make-up with Filabé? What is the difference between Filabé and traditional make-up removing cloths?

Filabé is care and cleansing in one. You can remove your make-up with Filabé while taking care of your skin at the same time. By contrast, Filabé cleanses mechanically: combined with water, Filabé gives your skin a deep-pore cleansing while also gently exfoliating and opening the pores so they can absorb the active ingredients in the cloth.

Which side of the Filabé cloth should I use?

When using Filabé, only use the soft side of the cloth.

My skin feels tight. Is that normal?

Your skin may feel tight because it has been cleansed right down to the pores and there is very little oil left on your skin. This can happen, in particular to people who regularly use creams. The skin is weaning itself off of the creams and learning once again to make its own oils, freed of all harmful substances.

It can take a few days, or even two to three weeks, until the feeling of tightness disappears. It pays to give your skin time, for after getting through this phase, it will have reestablished its own rhythm and regained its natural balance. And exactly that is the goal.

What is the morning skin care regimen?

During the day, your skin is exposed to many damaging factors, such as fine dust, solar radiation, increased sebum production due to stress and others. This is why your skin needs protection. We recommend cleansing your face as gently as possible (ideally with lukewarm water or Filabé Balanced Skin) and then applying a day cream that has no alcohol, parabens or fragrances.

Can I reuse Filabé?

No, because when the cloth is initially moistened, the liposomes are released – so the specific effect when reusing it can no longer be measured.

We also discourage reuse for hygiene reasons.

How long do I have to use Filabé before I see initial results?

Depending on your age and the condition of your skin, the epidermis (the skin’s top layer) takes between 28 and 70 days to regenerate. It can take this long for initial results to become visible. Healthy, beautiful skin doesn’t come about overnight; it takes time and care. The important thing is daily use.

The Filabé cloth cleanses and delivers active ingredients to the skin in one step. How can something be removed and applied at the same time?

This is possible due to the unique patented solution of the Filabé microfiber cloth. Not all the fibers of the cloth are covered with ingredients, so the free parts of the fiber can absorb dirt, make-up and excess dead skin cells. That allows the fibers to deliver the active ingredients to the cleansed areas of the skin. Studies have shown that the beads of active ingredients are absorbed by the skin very quickly because they are unimpeded by additives.

Should Filabé be applied with pressure or should it be applied gently?

Always use the soft side of the cloth and gently massage your face with light pressure for about 40 seconds. This is cleansing, exfoliation, and active ingredient supply in one care step. 

Is it possible to remove make-up with Filabé, or does make-up residue get back into the skin?

Yes, you can remove your make-up directly with Filabé. During or after make-up removal, your cloth will probably remind you of a painting, but don’t worry. Residue from make-up, mascara, etc. stays in the cloth thanks to microfiber technology.

And while you are removing make-up your skin will still be supplied with a high concentration of valuable active ingredients thanks to the microfiber technology.

Does Filabé also remove waterproof make-up?

Waterproof make-up can't always be perfectly removed, as Filabé doesn't contain any oil-based additives.

Therefore, for waterproof make-up, we recommend that you first use a cotton pad with a few drops of oil and then carefully use the Filabé cloth.

Is there a minimum age from which to use Filabé? A maximum age?

Filabé can be used from puberty to advanced age.

What is the best time of the day to use Filabé?

The best time to apply Filabé is at night before you go to bed. This is the perfect time because, like all your other organs, your skin is restored while you rest. Your skin has time to regenerate at night and regain its natural balance.

Can Filabé be used on sunburned skin?

No, as the skin is too sensitive then. Wait until the sunburn has subsided before you restart your care routine with Filabé.

Kann ich Filabé während der Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit anwenden?

Ja, du kannst Filabé während der Schwangerschaft und in der Stillzeit verwenden, da es frei von Zusatzstoffen ist. Übrigens ist Filabé das einzige Gesichtspflegeprodukt, das frei von Zusatzstoffen ist.

Why does the skin of people age 22 and older need a different product to treat pimples?

The skin as an organ only really matures during puberty. It reaches its peak around the age of 22, after which initial aging processes can set in. We therefore differentiate between pimples and blemishes in pubescent and postpubescent or “adult” skin. The skin’s regeneration process takes distinctly longer in adult skin than in young skin. In addition, adult skin with pimples is often affected by additional irritation and redness.

In order to target this problem in particular, we use green tea extract in the product for adult skin with pimples "Skin Clear Adult", as tea extract is very helpful in fighting irritation and has a positive effect on cell aging.

Will Filabé lose its effect if I use it every day for an extended period?

No, long-term use generates optimal results.